Sara Abode

Sara abode is a distributor which aims to provide eco-friendly and luxurious quality materials to build your abode. They cover the entire range of building activities and related services under one roof. They wanted a platform which is attractive in appearance and reflects elegance and luxury as well as better layout to accentuate their content and high-quality pictures. They wanted to create a site that makes them stand out amongst their peers and convert visitors into customers. Their website was simply a medium for them to promote Sara abode as one of the finest and reliable providers of high-quality structures and building materials.

Services Delivered

UI Design

While working for Sara abode our main focus was to make the content for the site more cohesive and making the material categories more visually appealing and intuitive. Together we came up with a firm overall experience in exploring and presenting the catalog, clear pictures of the house and made the site easy to navigate. What they wanted in a site was to reflect elegance and luxury in the look and feel and thus we turned their plethora of photos and material catalog into powerful visual story telling through strong content.

Web Development

A beautiful and visually appealing website was created for all the travel enthusiasts, the design and theme of which was inspired by nature. We helped the firm translate their adventurous outdoor trips into a beautiful custom website that truly represented their brand’s direction and company culture. The colors and tones embody travel while embracing the visitors travel curiosity. Bold and clear display of packages was done, the categories were highlighted individually for easy navigation. The focus was on reducing the booking complexities that presenting the main information quickly.

Other Case Studies

Custom Theme,, WordPress

Dev Solutions

Development Solutions Inc is a research and consultancy organization that offers varied services to enable solutions for development issues. The firm wanted to realign their brand system with shifts in their technology and branding strategy. As an established brand looking to make an impression they wanted to build an all new website that should be visually appealing as well as better engage and serve their users. They approached Krenovate to help them refresh their digital tactics, hence we took to design direction, content creation and re-imagined their digital platform.

Landing Page, Linkedin Campaigns

The Catalyst

Catalyst is a learning and development organization with the mission of making learning fun and sticky for all learners. To enable this, they use various experiential formats in their training and assessments. Priti Agarwal, their founder wanted to increase their customer outreach through social media for growth in revenue and awareness for their unique L&D programs.

Custom Theme,, WordPress


alt+ is a London-based organic health supplements organization. An organization, driven by research and science, proving the huge health benefits that organic supplements possess. More than selling online, they focused on putting out good content that would help people understand, the true value that organic supplements can bring to their daily lifestyle. Additionally, an e-commerce platform for selling their products.